We Inspire and Give Hope Through education, funding, Advocacy, and Support.
Take a Training Course
Are you an adult who wants to learn how to help a child, family member, friend, or complete stranger who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem?
Fund Vital Research
Join Sisters Taking On the Prevention of Suicide in raising awareness and funds that will save lives. Together, let’s invest in suicide prevention research programs.
Shape Laws & Policies
Join Sisters Taking On the Prevention of Suicide in urging Congress to take action on mental health legislation. Together, let’s promote mental healthcare policy and reform.
Get Sisterly Support
Are you a woman supporting a friend and/or loved one who is living with a mental illness? You might think your problems are small in comparison – they are not. You deserve help too.
Success Stories

Your Contributions Matter
We’re ready to take a stand to help our community. With your generous donations, we’re that much closer to making a difference.